Archive | October 2015

2nd Quarter Conflict Management Challenge Champs

How can you solve a conflict without making others mad?  Is that even possible?

That’s what 8th graders have just recently learned about in Career Management class.  What better way to learn than to put your newly acquired skills to the test through the Conflict Resolution Challenge! Students were split into groups and given 3 different scenarios, or conflicts, to solve using both common sense and conflict management strategies they learned in class.

And now for our winners….drum roll please!!!!



Attitudes & Behaviors Challenge

Hip Hip Hooray!  Hip Hip Hooray!  Way to go to these 2nd quarter 7th grade Career Discovery students for winning the House Cup trophy for best presentation of our Acceptable and Unacceptable Attitudes’ and Behaviors’ Challenge.  Do you have acceptable attitudes and behaviors?  Your success in the future depends upon it!  

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Y-Club Mummy!

Here are the winners of the Y-Club mummy rolling contest during our meeting last Wednesday!  🙂

"Jesus" in his grave clothes!

“Jesus” in his grave clothes!
