Archive | March 2017

Question:  What better way is there to learn vocabulary than to play Vocabulary Extravaganza?

Answer:  NONE!

Here are our winners for 4th quarter… Way to go! 🙂

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

How does your attitude effect your decisions? What are the 5 steps of the decision making process?  In order to get it right, big decisions only need to be made after thinking about them carefully.  Seventh grade students in the BMS Career Center learned how to do just that this week. 
Here are the winners of our Decisions, Decisions, Decisions contest for 1st and 4th periods. Good job!

Family Budgeting Experts Show Off Their Skills

Question:  What do students take away from learning how to manage a family budget when you only bring home $10 an hour?

Answer:  That it’s hard to make ends meet! :(

Congratulations to these 6th graders for winning the Class Cup trophy for best family budgeting! Great job!

Attitudes & Behaviors Challenge

Hip Hip Hooray!  Hip Hip Hooray!  Way to go to these 3rd quarter 7th grade Career Discovery students for winning the House Cup trophy for best presentation of our Acceptable and Unacceptable Attitudes’ and Behaviors’ Challenge.  Do you have acceptable attitudes and behaviors?  Your success in the future depends upon it!